Pursuing Timeless Designs

Timeless design; It is a design that come around from fashion of changing at any moment and has an aesthetic value, which makes a difference while preserving a natural and simple look and thus is timeless.

In fact, we are all fanatical followers of trends in the new world order in which we consume more than we need, but we seek to have more but cheaper. Sometimes as aware, sometimes not…

We all know that quality starts in the texture, production and design of the product. There are such designs that, after 20 years, 40 years, and even 50 years, they maintain the air and quality of the first day. When we combine these designs with our own style, we become the pioneer of timeless designs.

What colors do we usually prefer in our closet? Are we in favor of classic, colorful and original? When we make our choices, do we shop with these preferences in mind, or because we meet in the store and just want them in our closet? Do we shop by looking at the label, who produced our clothes, under what conditions it was produced, or just because it suits us? Each choice makes us either pursuing timeless designs, protecting nature and shopping in line with their needs, or in the footsteps of trendy pieces and someone destroying nature…

As Hip + Happen, one of our biggest goals is to create timeless designs that we can use even after 50 years while preserving our nature, quality and our future. We are in pursuit of good and ethic designs for all of us for this, we are looking for timeless designs…